
2024 - 2025年出国留学项目

  1. + England (Rescheduled to 10月ober 2025)

    September 26 – 10月ober 6, 2024 (Rescheduled to 10月ober 2025)

    Do you want to be part of an unforgettable adventure across the majestic landscapes and iconic landmarks of England? Join us as we journey through centuries of history and culture on our exclusive trip to London and picturesque towns surrounding it. From the mystical allure of Stonehenge to the grandeur of Windsor Palace, we will immerse ourselves in the rich tapestry of British heritage. We will explore the quaint charm of Amesbury; there we will meet with renowned archaeologist David Jaques who uncovered the first settlement in Britain. We will delve into the ancient mysteries of Salisbury Cathedral and indulge in the luxurious Roman Baths of Bath UK. Feel the pulse of history at the Tower of London, marvel at priceless artifacts in the Victoria and Albert Museum and unlock the secrets of the British Museum. Our program offers not only an adventure of a lifetime but also an enriching academic experience. Enroll in HUM2930(1学分) to delve deep into the captivating realm of British Mythology of the Middle Ages. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to broaden your horizons and create lasting memories. Sign up now and let’s make history together!

    项目领导人: Professor Lance Russum and Kim Simpson

    课程计划:  HUM2930(1学分)

    预计行程费用: $3,250 – Includes flight, 住宿, 运输, 旅游, 入口费用, 一些食物, and insurance.

    最后期限: 50% due June 15, 2024 | Final balance due Aug. 15, 2024

    如需申请,请联系Kim Simpson KSIMPSON@POLK.EDU | 863.669.4917

  2. +意大利


    Visiting the origins of prominent curriculum approaches such as Reggio Emilia and Montessori are part of the 幼儿教育 出国留学 Program. 在2025年春季学期, the program will visit major cities in Italy including Venice, 弗洛伦斯, 罗马, 和博洛尼亚. 在贡多拉上的旅行, 凝视着大卫雕像, standing beside the Leaning Tower of Pisa, and climbing the steps inside the Colosseum are just part of the experience. To trace the roots of Maria Montessori’s development of the Montessori method of education, the program will also visit Perugia which is home to the Montessori Training Center. 参观雷焦·艾米利亚, 意大利中部靠近博洛尼亚的一座城市, will include the Loris Malaguzzi Center which is a living manifesto of the Reggio Emilia approach to education and learning.

    项目领导人: Professor Debra Hazelwood and Kim Simpson

    项目课程: CHD2220、CHD1380和ceu

    预计行程费用: $3,900 -包括机票, 住宿, 运输, 旅游, 入口费用, 一些食物, 保险:250美元的非信用费用

    最后期限: $250 Deposit due 9/15/24 | 50% due 12/1/24 | Final balance due 2/1/25

    如需申请,请与Kim联系 KSIMPSON@POLK.EDU | 863.669.4917

  3. +摩洛哥


    2025年5月16日- 24日

    Explore the vibrant culture and rich history of 摩洛哥 through the 出国留学 Association’s cultural immersion program. 定于五月, 就在2025年春季学期之后, this nine-day journey will take you through the heart of 摩洛哥, 包括在卡萨布兰卡停留, Chefchaouen, 菲斯, 这里到梅合组噶, 马拉喀什, 和更多的! Experience the grandeur of Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca, 拉巴特的历史瑰宝, and the enchanting blue streets of Chefchaouen. 穿过古老的麦地那, 惊叹于罗马的瓦勒比利斯遗址, and enjoy a camel trek into the Sahara Desert where you’ll glamp in luxury tents under the Arabian-night stars. The program culminates in the bustling city of 马拉喀什, where you will explore Jemaa El Fna square and visit local artisans. 超越这些文化体验, you’ll engage deeply with Moroccan society by visiting local businesses, 探索博物馆, and attending insightful university lectures. This immersive experience is designed to deepen your appreciation of global cultures and enhance your academic pursuits through real-world interactions.

    项目领导人: Dr. Salma Wehrmeyer Nawlo and Professor Mary Ann Murdoch

    项目课程: GEB2930、GEB4930、HUM2930

    预计行程费用: $3,500 -包括机票, 住宿, 运输, 旅游, 入口费用, 一些食物, 保险:250美元的非信用费用

    最后期限: 10月10日到期的500美元押金. 2024年12月1日| 50%到期. 2024年1月1日:最终余额到期. 5, 2025

    会议信息: 2024年9月6日晚6点.m. 莱克兰校区2205-2206

    如需申请,请与Kim联系 KSIMPSON@POLK.EDU | 863.669.4917

  4. +伦敦和阿姆斯特丹


    2025年5月12日- 23日

    Students will tour London and visit the British Museum, Victoria & Albert Museum, Tower of London, Tate Modern Museum, Camden Market, and the National Gallery. 游览伦敦时, 学生们将参观威斯敏斯特大教堂, 议会, 大本钟, 白金汉宫, 莎士比亚环球剧院, 特拉法尔加广场, 还有皮卡迪利广场. Students will travel to Amsterdam and visit locations such as Anne Frank’s House, 博物馆, Museumplein,
    Stedelijk Museum, Van Gogh Museum, and the STRAAT Museum. Students will also take a canal cruise to experience the historical city center of Amsterdam.

    项目领导人: Professor Bryan Rivers and Professor Andrew Coombs

    项目课程: ARH2000和HUM2930

    预计行程费用: $3,500 -包括机票, 住宿, 运输, 计划旅游, 入口费用, 一些食物, 保险:250美元的非信用费用

    最后期限: 12月10日到期的500美元押金. 2024年2月1日:50%到期. 1, 2025 | Final balance due April 1, 2025

    会议信息: 2024年9月24日下午1:30.m. 冬天还 Campus WFA 103

    如需申请,请与Kim联系 KSIMPSON@POLK.EDU | 863.669.4917

  5. +西班牙


    2025年6月7日- 6月17日

    The 多元文化之地 Program provides an in-depth appreciation for Spain’s multicultural past and present with visits to its most iconic cities: Catalonia Barcelona, 安达卢西亚的塞维利亚, 西班牙的马德里, 瓦伦西亚, 和阿利坎特格拉纳达. Each metropolis boasts its own distinct regional flair, cultural traditions, cuisine, and language. All regions have played a critical role in forming Spanish identity. Learn more as you connect with locals in sun-drenched plazas, seaside markets and corner tapas bars. 带着当地的专业导游, 你会看到圣家堂, Montjic, 哥特式的季度, 巴塞罗那大教堂, 公园平息我, 拉兰, Albaicin, 阿尔罕布拉宫, 玛丽亚路易莎公园, 西班牙广场, 圣克鲁斯区, 塞维利亚大教堂, 太阳门, 马约尔广场, 东方广场, 普拉多博物馆, 皇宫, 和太阳门. You will enjoy 活动 like a cooking class in 瓦伦西亚, 格拉纳达的弗拉门戈舞, and a visit to an olive oil farm in Seville.


    项目课程: SPN2930

    预计行程费用: $5070 - $5610:包括机票, 住宿, 运输, 计划旅游, 选择膳食和保险.

    最后期限: Register by January 6, 2025, through this link efstudyabroad.com/2794497HR

    会议信息: 2024年9月5日下午2点.m. 莱克兰校区2205-2206

    如需申请,请与Kim联系 KSIMPSON@POLK.EDU | 863.669.4917