Advanced Specialized Training Program

Advanced/Specialized Training Coordinator:
Sgt. Jill Dentel

The Kenneth C. Thompson Institute of Public Safety offers Advanced and Specialized training classes on an on-going basis. Please read the information below before applying for a class.

Pre-Registration for Advanced/Specialized Classes


IPS advanced/specialized courses are filled on a first come, first served basis, based on Letters of Authorization we receive from client agencies. Many of our courses quickly fill to capacity. Once a class has reached its capacity, we create a “stand-by” list. Pre-register your officers early.


Students on “stand-by” cannot attend the course until an opening is created. When IPS receives a cancellation, from the canceling student’s agency, we then notify the training office of next student on the “stand-by” list. It is the client agency’s responsibility to notify the student that they are confirmed to attend the course. The agency should have already submitted a Letter of Authorization for the student. However, if one has not been submitted, the client agency must submit one to the IPS within the four hours of notification. Fax copies are acceptable.

If agencies fail to notify the IPS that officers will not be attending a particular course, students on stand-by will be denied the opportunity to attend the training.

The IPS notifies client agencies when their officers fail to attend the training programs they have pre-registered for and/or if the student drops out of class after attending the class for fifteen (15) minutes.

Once the instructor begins the class, the IPS must pay the entire cost of the class for the student. This is charged to the Region VIII Trust Fund, thereby limiting the amount of training monies available for client agencies.

Client agencies may reschedule their officers for any IPS course at any time the course is available.


All students and recruits are required to attend every scheduled hour of each class, course and/or program they attend. On occasion, emergency situations arise which require students/recruit to miss a portion of a class. Emergencies are generally defined as unavoidable and unscheduled work commitments, and urgent personal and immediate family medical issues. The class Coordinator will determine if the emergency is excusable and what make-up work will be assigned, with the approval of the IPS Director.